Prevention and Aftercare Services
Contributing to an Addiction-free Community
Nelson House Medicine Lodge Prevention Services is one of approximately 550 community-based National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) providers across Canada that provide outreach programs to reduce alcohol, drug and solvent abuse among on-reserve populations. Prevention Services also provides follow-up assistance to clients once they complete their programs.
In addition to prevention programs, the service offers intervention and aftercare to all NCN Members and residents of Nelson House, following their release from treatment programs.
Prevention is an integral component of the Medicine Lodge continuum of care leading to an addictions-free community.

Healing the Mind, Spirit and Body
NHML remains the only National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) alcohol and drug treatment facility servicing adult Indigenous Peoples in the Manitoba’s north, providing methods and practices to assist people who have been spiritually and psychologically impacted by life’s circumstances. We help people regain sobriety and rediscover their culture and spirituality.
- During the weeks, months and even years after completing rehab, individuals in recovery are still at risk for relapse
- Aftercare programs help minimize that risk, and help keep residents moving forward on the road to a completely alcohol- and drug-free life
- Treatment team helps prepare residents for the days following graduation
- Relapse Prevention
- Learning about triggers
- Coping with stress
- Thinking about outcomes of relapse
- If an individual does relapse into old behaviours, the aftercare program helps them cope and better assess the situation
- Aftercare is currently available to Nelson House Citizens.